Wednesday 2 April 2014

Wow. Where do I start.

The last blog I posted was in October last year and here I am in April 2014. So much has happened since then I dont think I can put it all into words now. So many ups and downs but I am slowly approaching my goal every day and im closer than I have ever been before.

Normally when I decide I am going to be healthy and fit it fades away and I soon get side tracked and im back to junk food and plain laziness with a side order of excuses. Not this time, ive gotten so far and havent looked back since.

Since I started on this journey I have lost 10kgs along with loosing almost all excess body fat and gaining lean muscle. I have also imrpoved so much in crossfit doing things I never though I would be able to accomplish.

Healthy eating is just a casualty and I go to crossfit 6/7 days a week. It gives me energy as well as make me fitter and stronger every day! I now attend silwood which takes up a lot of my time but I am enjoying it at some time in the future I hope to combine healthy living and food knowledge to create a business.

I have attached photos of my different accomplishments and how far I have come.