Wednesday 2 April 2014

Wow. Where do I start.

The last blog I posted was in October last year and here I am in April 2014. So much has happened since then I dont think I can put it all into words now. So many ups and downs but I am slowly approaching my goal every day and im closer than I have ever been before.

Normally when I decide I am going to be healthy and fit it fades away and I soon get side tracked and im back to junk food and plain laziness with a side order of excuses. Not this time, ive gotten so far and havent looked back since.

Since I started on this journey I have lost 10kgs along with loosing almost all excess body fat and gaining lean muscle. I have also imrpoved so much in crossfit doing things I never though I would be able to accomplish.

Healthy eating is just a casualty and I go to crossfit 6/7 days a week. It gives me energy as well as make me fitter and stronger every day! I now attend silwood which takes up a lot of my time but I am enjoying it at some time in the future I hope to combine healthy living and food knowledge to create a business.

I have attached photos of my different accomplishments and how far I have come.

Thursday 10 October 2013


I have officially joined cape crossfit and I have been doing a 2 weeks basics course. This is where a coach teaches you different skills and movements you will need in crossfir. Tonight is the final night and then I will be able to take part in classes (yay) .
In others news I am slowly but surely reaching my goals of becoming fitter and stronger.  Loving it more than ever. Almost two months of being alcohol free and I must mention that I am extremely proud of myself. Alcohol is a terrible way to slow down muscle growth and im glad I am able to resist a good glass of wine.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Lazy me

I haven't been writing a lot lately and there's not really a reason, i've just been a bit lazy. So today I left cape town and I am now on holiday in Plettenberg Bay. I love it here. One thing I love doing for exercise is hiking and there just so happens to be the best mountain hike in the world here. - in my opinion. It is called Robberg. It is so beautiful and really great exercise. it can be very tiring but the view is great and its worth the struggle in the end.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

motivation of the day

Eating clean

I love food. Well, just like everyone else on this planet but its my passion. Next year I will be doing a chefs course at Silwood kitchen. I am super excited because its the first step towards my dream of having my own restaurant. My plan is to open a restaurant with healthy but yummy food that leaves you feeling satisfied. Because I am living a healthy lifestyle its sometimes hard finding something good on a menu thats healthy but also filling and tasty. I want to make it easier.
Clean eating has always been a pleasure for me because I enjoy salads, veggies, fruit and protein. I also LOVE to cook so I always avoid fast food and quick fixes when the people around me constantly eat that way. Even though I rarely eat any carbs or sugars I do have cheat meals which in my opinion are good for you because it helps you stay on track and not overwhelmed by such a strict eating plan. My cheats would be a cup of tea with sugars or some chocolate here and there.  I also am obssessed with Sour sweets, they are my weak point.
Clean eating is key to being healthy and treatint your body right. It is the main reason why I have lost so much weight in such a short period of time.
some of my healthy meals
my cheat meals